

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Summons of Final Fantasy

So wow really hard to find images of summons before VI, which you would think with all the remakes they have out there. And even for some of the titles I couldnt find a picture for all of them. Oh well here it goes.

Alexander VI.

Bahamut VI.

Bahamut VII.

Odin VII.

Pheonix VII.
Titan VII.

Alexander VIII.

Carbuncle VIII.

Cerberus VIII.

Diablos VIII.

Eden VIII.

Gilgamesh VIII.

Ifrit VIII.

Moomba VIII.

Odin VIII.

Quetzacotl VIII.

Shiva VIII.

Siren VIII.
Bahamut VIII.

Atomos IX.

Bahamut and Alexander IX.

Odin IX.

Anima X. 
Bahamut X.

Ifrit X

Ixion X

Shiva X.

The Magus Sisters X

Valefor X.

Yojimbo X.

Adrammelech XII.

Belias XII.

Chaos XII.

Famfrit XII.

Hashmal XII.

Mateus XII.

Shemhazai XII.

Zalera XII.

Zeromus XII.

Zodiark XII.
Exodus XII.
Cuchulainn XII.

Concept art Alexander XIII.

Concept art Bahamut XIII.

Concept art Brynhilde XIII.

Not actually belonging to a character but seen in the Pompa Sancta parade in Nautilus, the concept art for Carbuncle XIII.

Concept art for Hectoncheir XIII.

Also not belonging to a characters and seen in the Pompa Sancta parade, concept art for Ifrit.

Said to have been cut from the game concept art for the appearance of Leviathan, more than likely would have been included in the Pompa Sancta parade, XIII.

Concept Art Odin XIII.

Ramuh who makes an appearance also in the Pompa Sancta Parade, XIII.

Concept art the Shiva sisters Nix and Stiria XIII.

Concept art for Siren XIII, who makes an appearance at the Pompa Sancta Parade.

Concept art for Valefor XIII, makes an appearance in the Pompa Sancta parade.

Well I hope you enjoyed those images, its interesting to see how some of the summons have changed over time, some not so much.
Next up new and upcoming titles.

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