

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

XIII-2 is close!!!!

Sorry its been a while y'all!

Well with the release of XIII-2 on the horizon, lots of new info has come out pertaining to the game. And I have to say, while I have come close to spoiling the game for my self, as it has been released in Japan since December 15th, I have held back! Sure I have like everyone else watched the amazing battle at the beginning of the game between Lightning and Caius, which I have to say is pretty epic!

If you have avoided all information on this game and wish not to spoil your self, then stop reading!

Lightning as we know was sucked through time by what we now understand is Chaos. She makes it all the way to the edge of time and lands in Valhalla and becomes a guardian protector of the Goddess Etro, she gains her Knight form through a process I have been calling Divine Reformatting and guards the throne of Etro.
The mysterious man we now know as Caius Ballad, is much like Lightning, a guardian of time. It has been noted that Lightning and Caius battle is that between Light and Dark and Heaven and Hell, but do not automatically assume you know which is which.
Serah's story takes place 3 years after the fall of Cocoon, the humans have migrated to Pulse and are attempting to live a live devoid of the shadow of Fal'Cie. A new semi government has risen naming its self the Academy, in which Hope Estime is the leader of. They are attempting to discover a new power source for Cocoon.
Noel is from 700 AF or After Fall. Where in this future he is the only surviving human being. At the beginning of the game during the fight between Lightning and Caius, the Door of Souls is opened and Noel falls from the sky, distracting Lightning from the battle she summons Bahamut and catches him before he falls to his death. She then distracts Caius after summoning a Bow for Noel to give to Serah in the past. He then jumps through a time gate to the past to Serah's time as Lightning summons power to destroy the giant Meteor that Caius has summoned directly above Etro's throne. And that's the end of the opening CG movie.
It is unknown to me at this point as to how and why Noel ends up in Valhalla, and what his purpose is for helping Serah in the past.

It is now confirmed that Noel and Serah, are the only playable characters in the game other than the monsters that you can have join your party later. Lightning is partially playable  at the beginning of the game but no longer after that.

Snow makes an appearance in the Sunleth Waterscape but is not playable.

Vanille and Fang made an appearance in one of the more recent trailers, but no mention of them since the games release. The same can be said for Sazh.

On today of January 10th 2012 they are releasing a 1 hour demo on the PlayStation network. I cannot wait to play!!!

Well I will hopefully put an update once the game is out. In the mean time I will post some pretty new pictures from the game!

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